CDS Johnston Referral Process
CDS Johnston (“The school of another chance”) is currently accepting students. We offer general education, RSP services, and a Special Day Program for Standard English Learners (SEL) and English Learner (EL) students. Our school is small, and we often reach capacity, permitting wait-list room only. If you have students who may benefit from transferring to Johnston, please complete the referral form ASAP before we fill up again!!
******All referrals to Johnston must come from a school or district official such as the principal, dean, counselor, etc. from one of our schools located within Local District South.
What are the Steps to Refer Students to CDS Johnston?
Submit an updated referral form to AP Luis Zarazua ([email protected]) and copy Principal Marcos Navas ( – include the student’s transcripts and social adjustment report (and IEP if appropriate).
- Please be sure that you have spoken to the student’s parents regarding the referral.
- Johnston will contact the student’s family if we are the appropriate environment for the student (we will contact you if we are unable to accept the student).
- Johnston staff will invite the student and family to a mandatory orientation prior to enrolling .
If you are not already familiar with us, Johnston’s smaller learning environment is an ideal setting for students who meet any one or more of the criteria identified below:
- Significantly behind on credits (typically behind 20 or more credits)
- Currently failing the majority of their classes (even if they are not yet behind on credits)
- Exhibits behavior that consistently causes student to be removed from class (regularly sent to dean or in-house school suspension)
- Has on-going peer conflicts (verbal, physical, etc.)
- Gang affiliation or involvement
- Continuously violates your school’s policies
- Drug issues
- Student is truant, and your school PSA/Attendance team has utilized multiple interventions to no avail
- Student is chronically tardy to school
- Student has a negative attitude that impairs his/her ability to work with school faculty and staff
- Student has partial credits
- Student has recently been released from camp/juvenile detention
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions – 310-832-0376.